1. Watch short MathFinder videos to make real world connections with your students that align to the TEKS in each Eureka module using the Math TEK filter.
Here’s an example for 4th grade, with links to the matched lists of MathFinder videos!
- Module 1: Place Value, Rounding, and Algorithms for Addition and Subtraction
- Module 2: Unit Conversions and Problem Solving with Metric Measurement
- TEKS: 4.8a, 4.8b, 4.8c
- Module 3: Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division
- Module 4: Angle Measure and Plane Figures
- Module 5: Fraction Equivalence, Ordering and Operations
- Module 6: Decimal Fractions and Financial Literacy
- Module 7: Exploring Measurement with Multiplication and Data
2. Flip the script, and let students create content!
Students can be content creators and share their own photos and videos identifying math concepts on campus and in their community, using a STEMlens framework. Students can pose their own math questions and share their creativity on platforms like FlipGrid.
3. Turn any video into an interactive activity
Use EdPuzzle to create interactive activities with any of the videos in the MathFinder library. Check out Rachel Fuhrman’s post Using EdPuzzle and talkSTEM videos to Engage Mathematics Students in School.

4. Take a virtual field trip using MathFinder videos
Let’s go places, from the classroom! Students can use MathFinder videos to virtually explore exciting places like the Dallas Zoo, the Dallas Arboretum, the Frontiers of Flight Museum, Twelve Hills Nature Center, and more!

5. Create Math Walks of your own!
Explore project-based learning with your students by creating a brand-new Math Walk as a class! Explore STEM in your own surroundings, ask questions, and create content using talkSTEM and MathFinder resources.