talkSTEM videos provide great real world connections to the science TEKS to build excitement about science. The videos can be used as phenomena to launch the learning of a science concept. talkSTEM has created a spreadsheet to help you easily find videos that will best support student learning. This spreadsheet is freely available once you log in to talkSTEM.
The spreadsheet matches each video with the TEKS addressed, including the Science & Engineering Practices, Recurring Themes & Concepts (K-8), and Core Content. When looking for a video, determine what TEKS you will be teaching and then use the spreadsheet to find the video(s) that align with the TEKS you are teaching.
Show the short video before beginning a block of learning. While watching the video, students can record observations and questions that they might have. The video can be rewatched as you progress through the learning process to make further connections to their original observations and to what students have learned. At the end of the learning, the video can be viewed for a final time for students to make connections and see answer any questions they had at the beginning. The video will provide a great way to continually make real world connections while learning.
The videos also provide inspiration for finding your talkSTEM opportunities. What connections can you make at your school, community, or city? talkSTEM’s walks can be guided by the teacher by getting the students out of the classroom and having them make observations and ask questions about their environment. When doing a teacher-guided walk, it’s important to have an idea of what you want students to notice so that solid connections can be made to the TEKS. Students can also create their own walk. Give them a set of criteria (example: a place where gravity affects an object’s motion), and ask them to find examples. Then, let them get creative with how they share their walk. Podcasts, vlogs, and social media (be sure to check your school’s policies first) are great ways for students to share the connections they made to their world.
The talkSTEM video library is a perfect connection between the classroom and the real world that students experience every day. Anchoring student learning with talkSTEM’s videos builds student awareness of their environment. Our hope at talkSTEM is for every student to explore their world with curiosity and to be engaged in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math!
About the Author

Additionally, she participated in multiple Texas Education Agency work groups for the most recent Science TEKS Review process. This was a fulfilling opportunity for Cindy because it allowed her to create meaningful change that will benefit the students of Texas for many years to come. As well as serving on the TEA work groups, Cindy has coordinated with other science educators from across the state to advocate to TEA and the State Board of Education the importance of strong, research based science education. It is her mission to support teachers in engaging students in hands-on science exploration and critical, creative thinking, in order to inspire all students to be curious about their natural world and develop strong science literacy. Cindy’s passion for science education made for an extremely rewarding career, and she looks forward to many more years of advocating for Texas’ teachers and students.