How to walkSTEM®

Each stop is centered around a Math-or STEM-related question.  We have 250+ tour stops across North Texas and we also have additional tours in New York and North Carolina.  New tours are added as our collaborators grow.

Take a virtual walk in parks, playgrounds, urban neighborhoods, art museums, zoos or other places using our open-access video library. 

When you take a walkSTEM tour that we have designed or that our collaborators have designed, you have several opportunities, as shown below.

Examples of Student- and Instructor-created walkSTEM® Tours Across Platforms:

Audio-based walkSTEM tours, like those created by Dallas ISD schools, Klyde Warren Park, and the Marymount School of New York. These tours can be viewed when searched for by name within the Otocast mobile app, or online as a progressive web app here, where you can browse all walkSTEM tours currently on Otocast, grouped by city!

For some examples of specifically student-created tour projects, use the links below:

Video-based walkSTEM tours, like those created at Duke University. These can be experienced in our MathFinder online video library, and have also been adapted into mobile and web app formats by Otocast.

Docent-led tours, like those at the Solar Prep School for Girls (Dallas ISD). At Solar Prep, students worked together as an after school club to lead visitors on tours of their new school building. Docent-lead tours can also be recorded, and adapted into video tours for future use!

We started creating walkSTEM tours in 2017 and are thrilled to have a growing and vibrant walkSTEM community. Watch this short video to hear from walkSTEM advisor and founder of MoMath (the only math museum in North America), Dr. Whitney. To explore that community further, we encourage you to visit our MathFinder video library.